Beyond Relaxation

Healing Through Nature Films is a cross-over of Relaxation videos and Meditation practice. When combining the two, you may enter a state Beyond Relaxation while watching and meditating with our films. Beyond Relaxation, films are films with one peaceful picture playing continuously throughout the film’s duration. The following film is a full hour with simply one peaceful picture from the North Carolina Mountains. If you can “Just Be” without thoughts in the presence of the peacefulness that lies within this picture, your “just being” will move you to a state Beyond Relaxation.

Healing Through Nature Films are designed to take you to a peaceful state or a meditative state that transpires through the film designers, which is Nature itself. The mountain stream above can take you to that peaceful state. The film below was taken from the original 60 minute Beyond Relaxation film, which only came to be while out taking a test shot on a brand new camera. The shot was nothing special, just a simple pond that was good enough to record a few minutes to take home and see the picture quality of the camera. Then after setting my camera up on a tripod, I sat next to it and gazed at the pond. I saw ripples in still water and reflections from the trees, then a few raindrops, nothing too exciting to see, but I sat for an hour and just let the camera run. I did what I so often do, take time to meditate in the presence of Nature and let Nature’s presence move me into a feeling Beyond Relaxation. When I took this unintended 60-minute test shot home to view, there was still nothing exciting to see and certainly nothing I would turn into a film for Peaceful Pictures. But I added meditation music to it and burned it onto a DVD for personal use to meditate while it plays on my TV. For me personally, it turned into my favorite video to meditate with due to its simplicity and tranquility of this quiet pond. After making this 60-minute film on one peaceful picture by accident, 60minute videos on one peaceful picture has become somewhat o a trademark. The peaceful feeling our films bring, come primarily from music and nature sounds. Healing Through Nature Films themselves are intended to be nothing more than a backdrop of Nature on your TV or computer to Meditate with. They are meant to bring nothingness into your awareness far more than to bring anything to stimulate thought. Our objective is to move our viewers into a place where thoughts subside and a state of peace arises through simply having the presence of nature in the background of meditation practice. The music and the bird songs may be all you want to take from this film and meditate with your eyes closed, maybe open them from time to time to see the ripples in still water change. If you’re looking to see something to stimulate your mind you will not find it here. If you are looking for nothing to stimulate your mind, then sitting in the presence of this quiet little pond, you may see, hear and feel the nothingness you are looking for. And what you feel within that nothingness is Beyond Relaxation.

Healing Through Nature Films are not intended to make a viewer’s mind to say, “Wow, How Beautiful.” We know many viewer’s minds may say, “Omg, How Boring.” The intention is to take our viewer’s attention away from your mind. The films are intended to be a backdrop for your eyes and ears to rest upon, while focusing on relaxing your body and letting go of life’s stresses. We encourage resting more attention on deeply relaxing through putting attention on your breathing more-so than on what you see and hear. Our minds naturally engage with what we see and hear, always analyzing and judging throughout every day of our lives. So, our intention is to get our viewer’s to disengage from your mind. While putting attention on your breathing, feel the in breathe going into your body as if it were an inner-body cleanser, then with each exhale feel a release and letting go of any stress or tension in your body. Now, rest some attention on the feeling of your body itself, feel the relaxation behind a powerful exhale and release.

We hope you watch many of our films and peaceful pictures on this website, but know our intention and attention is targeted to take our viewer’s to place and a feeling of deep peace, which comes from “just being” without thinking. We know there is no greater place get this feeling than by just being in the presence of nature. There is something much deeper in nature that has healing power, but it cannot be found through the mind. Only when our incessant mindstream of thoughts subsides can this healing power arise through a feeling of deep peace.

The following film is stillness in motion. This soft flowing river known as the rapids in Columbia, South Carolina, is not rapid at all. To just be with this slow flowing river can bring you to a state beyond relaxation. Below this river is 8 hours of ocean waves to take you further beyond relaxtion this film can be used for sleeping through the night. This one is all about the sound of Ocean Waves, far more than the sight of them, designed more for closing your eyes and feeling the Waves as you relax and or sleep.

Below is a beautiful Sunset from Malibu Beach, California. Peaceful and healing through Nature Films offer films with sole sights and sounds of Nature. Others with sole relaxation and or meditation music, and others with the combination of sounds of Nature alongside music. Meditation over Malibu below has solely ocean waves sounds, below that is Meditation over Malibu Two with music added. You can choose your pleasure with this breath-taking view of Malibu. One without music is 2 hours and Two with music is an hour and 30 minutes. Both will undoubtedly bring most to a state beyond relaxation.

Below these two Ocean Scenes, we have “Meditation in the Lily Fields” taken in the Florida Everglades. This film has a beautiful mix of Bird Songs from the Everglades and Meditation music. In the middle is a break from the music and solely Bird Songs for a while before the music picks back up.

Below that is a number of different shots of Florida’s Nature with music for meditation. Most of our films stay on one shot or have few different shots, but others have a good number of different shots. Florida Nature Meditation is one with a number of shots. This film has Meditation music only, without the BirdSongs, which some viewer’s may prefer to help move them beyond Relaxation.