Live Streams

Live Streaming Mountain Streams is the origin of Peaceful Pictures Dream of live streaming Nature beginning in the Summer of 2018. Below is a 4-hour long clip taken in the North Carolina Mountains. A good sample of what is to come. We intend to have our Live Streams go on for hours, so anyone around the world can be present with a mountain Stream, or River, or WaterFall from a faraway place. Other samples below include a baby Creek and few different River scenes in “Winter Rivers Flow.” Before that is an hour and a half Clip from a Pacific Ocean shoreline. Live Streaming peaceful Ocean scenes is where our Day Streams Dream grew. So anyone around the globe can be present with different ocean scenes from a faraway place beginning in the Summer of 2018 as well.

Much is written on peaceful about our primary objective to Live Streaming Nature. The birth of Live Streaming came from streams themselves, along with rivers and waterfalls. As founder of peaceful pictures and healing through nature films, I started making films after healing through nature became a regular practice in my life. And that practice grew immensely through sitting by mountain streams and rivers, meditating for hours and hours every summer on vacations in North Carolina. I had meditated in the presence of nature often on beaches and nature preserves in my home state of Florida, where I found there was something more to meditating in nature than there is in a quiet room.

When I started meditating with eyes closed or even open in the presence of mountain streams and rivers, I found something far more peaceful and a literal feeling of Healing Through Nature beyond anything I had ever experienced. After years of vacations in the mountains and sitting by mountain streams, along came the idea to bring these peaceful pictures into peoples home, Live from the Carolina mountains. The streams below come from my original sitting spots on Huckleberry Creek outside of Franklin, North Carolina. The Winter rivers flowing above come from the French Broad river in Asheville and the Little Tennessee river near Franklin, N.C.

Alongside Live Streaming Nature, Peaceful Pictures and Healing Through Nature Films are working toward bringing Live Streaming Movement Meditation practice into your home daily as well. Taken from ancient Chinese practices of Tai Chi and Qigong, we cut out structured “named” movements and translate them into free-flowing movements that come naturally. We let the meditation music and our own Chi energy move us in whatever way the arms and body move naturally.

The goal for Healing Through Nature Films is to Live Stream Sunrises, Sunsets, Streams, Rivers and Water Falls. With donations, you can help us attain that goal intended to help people live a more peaceful life. Live Streaming Movement Meditation practice daily is something worth a daily, weekly, or monthly charge if anyone were to practice this regularly. The peacefulness it can bring into your life may be priceless. Though, we do not want to have a membership website. We would rather hope to survive through donations, and make our products available for free to touch far more many live’s. For those who donated you will receive Healing Through Nature DVD, as a thank you gift for your support.