Beyond Meditation

Out of all the things Peaceful Pictures and Healing Through Nature Films are setting out to do with this website, bringing a Movement Meditation Experience into people’s live’s may be the biggest in helping people live a more peaceful life. For anyone who has ever meditated, movement meditation will take you to a deeper state, Beyond Meditation. For anyone who has never meditated, or tried meditation and never entered a meditative state, movement meditation will take you there and beyond.

Taken from the practices of Tai Chi and Qigong, our movement meditation experience is simply free flowing movements with no set structure or specific named moves from Tai Chi or Qigong. We are simply moving to meditation music like a meditative dance. Simple movements with a very slow flow of our own Chi energy. Beyond Meditation can literally change live’s  if anyone is to make this movement meditation a regular practice.

Healing Through Nature films are all intended to help people live a more peaceful life, and can be a life changer it if leads people to spend time with nature and meditating in the presence of nature regularly. The films are relaxing and peaceful and will enhance meditation practice, but to practice movement meditation regularly, will take you to a place Beyond Meditation. And yes, it will take anyone into a meditative state, whether they know how to meditate or not, because it is much easier to focus on moving in a slow motion dance then it is to sit and focus on breathing techniques.

A meditative state arises when thinking stops. For someone who has never meditated stopping thoughts can be hard at first with sitting meditation. Resting attention on slow movements will help thoughts stop, then once your in a meditative state you will find the movement practice is blissful, but you can also change over to a sitting meditation. So for those who find it hard to meditate when just sitting and breathing, you can use these free flowing movements to get you into a meditative state, then continue your meditation sitting if that is what you chose.