The Future of Peaceful Pictures and Healing Through Nature Films is going to depend on donations. As is written a number of times on this Website our goal is to have live streaming Nature daily. For now, we are beginning with filming Sunrises and Sunsets from South Florida, which only gives us access to the Everglades for Sunsets. In the mornings we will be bringing soothing sounds of ocean waves, and in the evening we will add relaxing music to our Sunsets.

With donations we hope to bring Sunrises and Sunsets from both coasts of Florida as well as other parts of the world. We will also be live streaming Rivers, Streams and Waterfalls from North Carolina and hopefully branch out to other parts of the world. We are set to begin Live Streaming as soon as we have some financial backing, which we for now is only through Donations.

We know there are thousands of Relaxation and Nature videos online, but being they were recorded in the past, what you are watching does not carry the life energy that is present in a live film. The life energy that lives within all of nature also lives in the viewer in the same moment wherever they are in the world, which can lead to a deeper state of peace.

With any size donation please email your name and address to receive a Healing Through Nature DVD. Thank you to all who donate! We sincerely appreciate your support!

Alongside Live Streaming Nature,  Peaceful and Healing Through Nature films are setting out to broadcast daily Movement Meditation Practice. A daily practice that can have a major impact on individuals living a more peaceful life. To read more about movement meditation visit  “Beyond Meditation.”